Monday, June 11, 2012

Denial is Not Just a River in Egypt

Dear Client,

Here in the Trenches, we are attorneys and counselors at law.  We are not magicians or fairy godmothers. We didn't marry your spouse, have children with him or her, run you into bankruptcy, cause you to drink or abuse drugs, become addicted to online porn, gamble, or give up your career for your marriage.  You did all those things, some of which are why you ended up in our office.  We cannot wave a magic wand and make all your problems go away.  What we can do is help you get the best possible settlement or court decision given the facts of your life.  That's it.  It's what we do.  If the court ordered it or you agreed to it, you have to do it.  That's it - end of discussion.  That what was ordered or agreed is inconvenient or expensive to do is no excuse for your former spouse, for the judge, or for us.   We can't and won't help you subvert the letter or spirit of a settlement or court order.  We can't and won't pretend your problems don't matter or make a difference in the outcome of your case.  It wasn't our behavior that got you here; yours did and now you need to deal with the consequences.  Does it mean we're not sympathetic?  Of course not.  Does it mean we won't help you work on what you need to do in the best way possible for you?  Of course not.  Does it mean we don't care what happens once the case is over?  No.  Remember, we're on your side, and not just because you're paying us (usually not, at least).  At the end of the day, however, your problems are yours with which to deal; not ours.  So, stop yelling at us for things over which we have no control.

Yours Truly,
The Trenches

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