Wednesday, June 13, 2012

When Life GIves You Lemons....

You can either make a funny face as you suck on it, or make lemonade.  A couple of months ago, I hurt my toe.  My hurt toe caused me to be off balance when I ran, so I hurt my knee.  Luckily, none of the injuries is serious, but it does mean I can't run for a while.  I had choices at that point.  I could feel sorry for myself and sit on my rear side eating bon bons until they healed (I might have had just a few days of  relaxing on the couch - I'm not perfect).  I could find something else to keep my neurotic need for exercise endorphins at bay, hopefully something that I would enjoy as much as running.  I chose the latter.  After all, pool season is here, and I love to swim almost as much as I love to run.  It's a little different, because I can only swim during the hours the pool is open, and I can run whenever I feel like it.  Still, I'm satisfied.  Now, I in no way compare my hurt knee to the pain of a divorce or custody case, but still......  When clients find that their marriages are ending or there are difficulties in their custody arrangements, they have choices.  They can sit around and wallow in self pity (and that's OK for a short period of time - the emphasis on "short"), or they can find something to fill the void created by the end of their relationship or the free time created by not having their child with them all the time.  Whatever it is, it won't be the same as what they lost, but it can still be satisfying.  Here in the Trenches.

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