Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm Sorry

The power of apology is truly amazing.  Over the last week, we've been dealing with a highly contentious custody matter. The clients acted out of emotion not intellect, and more out of fear than anger.  All of this means they did things they shouldn't have done, and said things they shouldn't have said.  It all made matters that much worse.  We were headed to a very contentious and ugly temporary custody hearing tomorrow.  Luckily, one of my very favorite attorneys, who happened to be the other attorney on the case, suggested we try to find one of our favorite mediators to helps us resolve these issues before trial.  Luckily, the mediator was available.  What happened next was truly magical - the husband apologized.  I don't mean one of those "I'm sorry" when you don't really mean it, when you're just saying it because you figure you should.  I mean, a heart felt, from the gut, mea culpa.  After he did that, you could feel the tension leave the room.  Then, they began to talk...and talk.  The couple began to work together as a team to make plans for their child.  The wife apologized, another deeply felt profession of regret.  They developed a plan.  They settled.  Days like this, I love the Trenches  

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