Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things My Parents Taught Me

I am really fortunate to have fabulous parents.  That's them in the picture.  (My eighteen year old calls my father the "Lady Gaga of Grandparents."  That, however, is a story for another day.)  Not a day goes by here in the trenches that I don't use something that they've taught me.  Here are my top ten:

1.  Everything you have, you owe to your community.  Giving begets giving, and you need to give back in proportion to what you have.
2.  Treat everyone with respect, no exceptions.
3.  You were given two ears and only one mouth for a reason (OK, I'm not really good with this one, but then again, neither is Dad.  Mom, however, is an entirely different story).
4.  Everyone will reap what they sow - eventually.
5.  Plotting to get even is just a waste of time - see number 4, above.
6.  If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well.
7.  Never, ever give up (Dad is a huge Churchill fan).
8.  If you have it, use it.  If you don't use it, then it isn't that important.
9.  Family is not a function of birth; it is a state of mind.  You really can choose your family.
10.  Always have a career so you're never dependent on someone else to support you.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

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