Thursday, September 13, 2012

Facebook Revisited

Every once in a while I feel a need to talk about Facebook.  I love Facebook, really I do.  I love the ability to keep up with old friends, family and classmates.  When Office T was so ill, it was a great place for everyone to touch base and to express our sorrow when he died.  So, I really do love Facebook....used judiciously.  Facebook always has the ability to come back and bite you.  I am not talking about the inappropriate pictures (so, do you really think photos of you in lingerie won't impact your custody case?), or nasty messages about your ex (right, like there's no one out there who won't tell your ex what you said).  I'm talking about the things you really don't think are harmful, but turn out to be.  I'm talking about the person who says that they're unemployed, and then posts that they started a new business, or the person who says they're broke and then posts a picture of their new car.  Then, there's the person whose support hinges on being too chronically ill to work, and sincerely trying to help others, posts about the things they did that helped them be symptom free for years (only to have one of their "friends" give those posts to the former spouse in a fight to terminate alimony).  The point is that even the most innocuous, well meaning posts can be harmful in the wrong hands.  Please, think long and hard about what you post on Facebook.  If you must send something that reveals private information, don't do it on a wall post.  We here in the Trenches will thank you.

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