Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let Me Tell You a Story - Part III

Yes, "Once upon a time" is our theme this week.  The first two days, we talked about stories we tell to each other.  Today, we'll talk about the stories we tell ourselves.  These are probably our most important stories.  The stories we tell ourselves can help us overcome our fears; that's a good thing.  Sometimes, however, our stories blind us to the truth; then they are not such good things.  Sometimes our stories tell us that we're not an alcoholic, because "real" alcoholics are the falling down drunks we see in movies, and we  only drink once in a while, although then we drink until we pass out.  Sometimes our stories tell us that we're not be abused, because "real" abuse victims are covered in bruises and broken bones, and our spouse only calls us names and belittles us, albeit all the time.  Maybe our stories tell us that "good" parents stay together for the children, even when all the children hear is arguing and fighting.  Again, we need to ask ourselves whether we are telling ourselves the whole story, or just the part we want to hear and which supports what we want to believe.  Then, we have to invite ourselves to tell a different story and look at what we know a different way.  We need to consider whether the alcohol or the verbal violence affects how we live our lives, and whether our children would be better off with two intact and whole parents instead of an intact marriage.  Only when we consider all sides, and angles do we have a story worth telling.

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