Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You're Blowing Smoke - Where?

Let's turn again to lies.  Most of them are just plain unnecessary.  This week, not one but two other attorneys have lied to me.  Not big lies, not lies of any real import.  They weren't lies that even mattered in the real scheme of things.  They were both  lies concerning what the attorney did or didn't do, and whose idea it was for a given course of action.  Neither attorney knew I was aware of the lies, and neither of the lies were substantive.  They were lies designed to make the attorney look good, or at least not bad, in my eyes.  I don't know about you, but I usually figure a lie will be discovered and the truth will come out.  What happens in that event is something about which I obsess.  (It is also why they pay me the big bucks here in the Trenches.)  So, I know these two attorneys lied.  I have to tell you, it made lose respect for them, and it also made me wonder what else they would lie to me about.  I mean, if someone will lie to you when it doesn't matter, won't they lie to you when the stakes are higher?  Even before legal knowledge and skill, trustworthiness and reputation are the most important attributes an attorney has.  These two attorneys just lost that.  I understand that sometimes someone is mistaken, and that's forgiveable.  This was not that.    Moral of the story?  Don't lie.  It will come out and it will bite you, and maybe not in the way you think.  These two attorneys will discover that, maybe not today, but they will.  I'm disappointed, but not surprised - here in the Trenches.

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