Tuesday, August 13, 2013


We interred Dad in the military cemetery on Friday.  The service took all of fifteen minutes, but it was the most powerful fifteen minutes of my life.  It consisted of the unfolding and refolding of the flag, the presentation of the flag to my Mom, and the playing of Taps.  That's it.  It blew me away.  It drove home the finality of Dad's death.  It also got me to thinking.  We have rituals for all kinds of things in life.  We have christenings, Brisses, and baby namings.  We have Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Sweet Sixteens, and Quincieras.  We have graduations, baby showers, bridal showers and weddings.  Just so you don't think all of our rituals are for happy things, we also have funerals.  What all those things have in common is that they are rituals to mark rites of passage.  Why then don't we have any for divorce?
If we did have a ritual for divorce, what would it be?  I would light two candles from one.   Maybe there could be a short service, a release of the vows and a wish for peace.  I'll have to think about it.  Here in the Trenches.

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