Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow, Please Melt!

Another week and a few more problems with my laptop.  As much as I love my MacBook, I really don't love planned obsolesce. It's only 3 years old, and already it is too slow, without added RAM, to run a newer generation of operating system (which it needed to do after the hard drive crashed).  Argh.  The new RAM arrived last night, and I installed it.  I was so looking forward to sharing with you all again.  Then, it still didn't work right.  It's behaving right now, so I'm typing feverishly.  I'm sure I could be more frustrated, but it would be difficult.  Thanks for letting me rant.  Now onto business.

We've had terrible weather here in Maryland.  Snow, sleet, snow and more snow.  I haven't had to do any weight lifting because shoveling snow off the stairs leading to my second story front door has taken its place.  I am so ready for spring.  Last night we had another 2-3 inches of snow, and then today temperature got up to 50 degrees.  That's right, 50 degrees.  Tomorrow promises to be more of the same.  I was excited.  It would be great to run outside without a balaclava and mittens.  i was psyched.  Then I got home.  It takes more than one 50 degree day to melt a foot and a half of snow.  The roads were still narrowed by snow.  There was still some ice on the sidewalk.  There were snow mounds on the corners.  I couldn't run here at home.  I was bummed.....kind of like our clients here in the Trenches, don't you think?

Here they are, stuck in unhappy marriages.  Day by day, they become more unhappy with their spouse and the marriage.  Every day, they move closer to deciding to separate and divorce.  Then, one day, they make the decision.  They separate.  They work hard at reaching a settlement with their spouse.  It's a miserable time.  Their emotions run high and conflict.  They can't wait until it's all over.   Then, one day it is.  They wake up, newly single.  They expect everything to be great.  After all, it's what they worked toward.  Funny thing, though, it's not so great.  Sure, life's better, but it's not fantastic.  They're confused, and a lot of times, they get depressed.  Surely, it's the let down from all the activity of the divorce, they tell themselves. It will go away by tomorrow. It won't and it's not.  That's unrealistic.  It's like seeing that one 50 degree day and expecting the snow to magically disappear.  That much snow doesn't melt that quickly, and clients don't get over a divorce just because a judge signs a piece of paper.  It takes time, and sometimes, you just need to let grief, death and rebirth take their course.  Here in the Trenches.

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