Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Is It Christmas Cookie Time Already?

Christmas cookie season is right around the corner.  It's two full weekends, one for Frederick County, and one for Montgomery County.  110 dozen cookies in all.  Yes, you heard me right - 110 dozen.  That's 1320 cookies, more or less.  I'll level with you - every year I think about how many cookies I have to make and wonder if I'm up to it, especially as daughter isn't around to help anymore.  Luckily, I have friends who pop in here and there to watch a holiday movie, bake a dozen or ten, have some hot cider or cocoa.  Once I start, I really love it; the cookies, the movies, the friends, the smells.  This year is tough.  A year ago, during a cookie weekend, was when Office T came to tell me there was nothing else they could do.  It makes me cry just to think of it.  So, there I was, sitting on the couch the other night, and I mentioned to my significant other that I really didn't feel up to cookies this year and why.  Without missing a beat, he looked at me and said, "I'll bet it would please Office T to know he caused you to cancel cookies...."  So, of course we're doing cookies.  We owe it to Office T to do them and have fun, and share a laugh as we remember our friend.  Here in the Trenches.

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