Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's OK

Some people have favorite colors.  Others have favorite songs.  I have a favorite word.  The word?  "Acceptable."  I don't care about "fair" or "equitable."  I certainly don't love "reasonable."  All of those words are subject to individual definition.  What's fair or equitable to me may not be to you.  We could argue all day about what's fair.  Using the word "reasonable" almost guarantees I'll see you in my office again.  When we talk about "fair" or "equitable" or "reasonable," our definition of the word must agree with the other side's interpretation of the same word and set of circumstances.  They arouse feelings deep inside us that influence our definition,  The emotions are why we can say we want what is fair, equitable or reasonable and never reach agreement.

"Acceptable?"  Ah, that's a beautiful word.  That word doesn't depend on anyone else's definition but your own.  Everyone can know what is acceptable to them.  What is acceptable doesn't depend on feelings of fairness.  In fact, the word "acceptable" takes the emotion out of the equation.  I can determine whether I can live with a deal.  So can you.  It may not feel fair, equitable or reasonable, but it is "acceptable."  Such a dispassionate word.  I feel more logical and analytical already.  Don't you?  It makes it so much easier to review a deal.  Here in the Trenches.

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