Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lady Macbeth

Infirm of purpose!
Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures; 'tis the eye of childhood
That fears a painted devil.

Thus states Lady Macbeth when her husband brings back incriminating evidence after killing the king.  Lady Macbeth is remembered for being a cold, calculating female, who would do anything and everything to gain advantage.  Until today, I thought she didn't exist in real life.  I was wrong.  My client, a lovely but lonely elderly gentleman.  Her? A twice divorced woman of my age.  She has done just about anything and everything she can possibly do to make sure he does not protect his assets and income, while simultaneously ensuring that all of hers is shielded from him.  She thought she won the end game today, but she was wrong.  He managed, at the eleventh hour to accomplish his original goal.  To her, I say:

How now, my lord, why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard: what's done, is done.

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