Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another Day, A Better Day

As you might have guessed from reading the last two weeks of posts, sometimes practicing family law is not so great (I know that's a real epiphany for most of you!).  You have opposing counsel who are personally nasty, professionally nasty, taking ridiculous positions, and generally acting in a way that seems determined to prolong the conflict instead of resolving it (another epiphany for most of you).  You also have clients who misbehave, don't think before acting, who act exactly contrary to your advice, and who argue with you over strategy.  Sometimes, all those things happen at once, as they have in the past two weeks, and it's overwhelming.

Just when you think you can't take it any more, however, something happens that renews your faith in how you practice family law.  Your client seems to "get it" and act exactly how you have been wishing and coaching your client to behave, a colleague calls and validates your strategy in a case,  an opposing counsel suggests something that may very well save your collaborative case.  Such little things, but it's enough to get  you motivated and moving forward again....back in the trenches.

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